Background of the Study
Tax compliance is essential for generating revenue to fund public services and infrastructure. However, compliance rates often vary across different demographic groups, with gender emerging as a significant factor. In many societies, systemic disparities in income, education, and access to resources contribute to differences in how men and women comply with tax obligations. In Gwale LGA, these disparities are further influenced by sociocultural norms, economic roles, and levels of financial literacy.
Women in Gwale LGA, particularly those in informal and small-scale enterprises, may face unique challenges in meeting tax compliance requirements. These include limited awareness of tax policies, lower income levels, and barriers to accessing support systems. This study investigates gender disparities in tax compliance in Gwale LGA to identify underlying factors and propose actionable recommendations.
Statement of the Problem
Gender disparities in tax compliance may lead to unequal revenue contributions and inequitable treatment by tax authorities. Despite existing tax policies aimed at inclusivity, women in Gwale LGA may still face disproportionate challenges in compliance, undermining their economic participation and contributions.
Aim and Objectives of the Study
To examine gender disparities in tax compliance in Gwale LGA.
To identify factors contributing to gender differences in tax compliance.
To recommend strategies for reducing gender disparities in tax compliance.
Research Questions
What are the gender disparities in tax compliance in Gwale LGA?
What factors contribute to gender differences in tax compliance?
What strategies can reduce gender disparities in tax compliance?
Research Hypotheses
Gender disparities do not significantly affect tax compliance in Gwale LGA.
Factors contributing to gender differences do not significantly impact tax compliance.
Proposed strategies do not significantly reduce gender disparities in tax compliance.
Significance of the Study
This study highlights the impact of gender disparities on tax compliance in Gwale LGA, providing insights for policymakers to promote equitable tax policies and improve revenue collection.
Scope and Limitation of the Study
The study focuses on gender disparities in tax compliance in Gwale LGA, with a particular emphasis on informal and small-scale enterprises. Limitations include variability in self-reported data and cultural sensitivities.
Definition of Terms
Gender Disparities: Differences in outcomes or opportunities based on gender.
Tax Compliance: Adherence to tax laws and timely payment of taxes.
Small-Scale Enterprises: Businesses with limited capital and workforce, often informally structured.
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